Showing 1–12 of 42 results

Alginoplast – alginate 3pcs.

Original price was: 45,00 lv..Current price is: 33,00 lv..
Packing: 3pcs. x 500g.

Alustat Gel – Alustat Aluminum Chloride Gel

42,00 lv.
The product is intended for use during dental treatment to arrest minor bleeding from the gums. Contains 25% aluminium chloride.

Alustat Liquid – Alustat Liquid Aluminium Chloride

14,40 lv.
Alustat Liquid is designed to be used during dental treatment to reduce local swelling and to keep minor bleeding from

Charm Flex Putty – basic A-silicone table

58,00 lv.
Packaging: 280ml base / 280ml catalyst and 2 mixing scoops of different colour

CharmFlex Light – 50ml cartouche

18,00 lv.
Self-mixing cartouche - 50 ml, used with 1:1 mixing gun

CharmFlex Regular – cartouche 50ml

18,00 lv.
Self-mixing cartouche - 50 ml, used with 1:1 mixing gun

Elite HD+ Light Body Fast Set 2x50ml

54,00 lv.
Packaging: cartridge 2 pcs. x 50ml, mixing cannulae 12 pcs.

Elite HD+ Light Body Normal Set 2x50ml

54,00 lv.
Packaging: cartridge 2 pcs. x 50ml, mixing cannulae 12 pcs.